Neil R. Baer, P.E.


Neil R. Baer, P.E. Neil R. Baer, P.E.Engineer: Structural, Civil

Property Loss Claims Consultation
Technical Investigations
Failure Analysis
Structural Analysis
E.I.F.S. Examination and Analysis
Water Intrusion, Mold Causation


1976 Master of Business Administration
Clemson/Furman MBA Program
1969 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Clemson University



September 1997 to Present

Summit Engineering, L.L.P., Columbia, South Carolina. Consulting Engineer performing specialized consulting in the areas of: Property Loss Claims Consultation: cause of loss(wind versus water), building code compliance, repair or replacement analysis, scope of damage, estimate of repair, actual cash value, salvage value, and time to repair; water intrusion and mold causation, Failure Analysis: analysis and evaluation of designs, determination of cause of failure, Standards and Code Compliance; accident evaluation: structural damage evaluation, Structural Analysis: analysis of existing structures for load carrying capacity and code compliance; E.I.F.S. Examination: identification of defects in EIFS and related building systems, scope of damage determination, estimate of repair costs.


August 1996 to August 1997

Special Projects Manager, SMI Joist, S.C. of Cayce, South Carolina. Responsible for feasibility study for consolidation of two manufacturing plants, design of concrete foundations and steel superstructure for plant additions and improvements including design of overhead crane bridge beams, column repair and replacement, and land surveys.


November 1994 to August 1996

Plant Manager for SMI Owen Joist of Cayce, South Carolina. Responsibilities included safety, quality control, and production for two manufacturing plants, design of column replacement system in existing plant, supervision of new assembly line construction, structural analysis of steel building structure for overhead crane additions, design of concrete containment structures for paint tanks.

June 1992 to November 1994

Vice President and General Manager for Owen Joist of Cayce, South Carolina. Responsibilities included safety, quality control and production improvements for three manufacturing plants, assembly line modifications and additions, design and construction supervision of a paint system for joists, and supervision of modifications and upgrades on a robotics joist machine.

April 1986 to June 1992

Vice President-Sales for South Carolina Steel Corporation of Greenville, South Carolina. Responsibilities included estimating, selling, and managing design-build structural steel and reinforcing steel projects, supervision of sales personnel, analysis of subcontractor bids, and coordination and planning of corporate sales efforts. Managing each project included detailed coordination with the steel erector and other trades, job site trouble shooting, and determination of causes and solutions for field problems.

April 1984 to April 1986

Manager of Structural Steel Sales for South Carolina Steel Corporation of Greenville, South Carolina. Responsibilities included estimating, selling, and managing design-build structural steel and reinforcing steel projects, supervision of sales personnel, analysis of subcontractor bids, and coordination and planning of corporate sales efforts. Managing each project included detailed coordination with the steel erector and other trades, job site trouble shooting, and determination of causes and solutions for field problems.

January 1975 to April 1986

Engineer, Estimator, Project Manager for South Carolina Steel Corporation of Greenville, South Carolina. Responsibilities included estimating, selling, and managing design-build structural steel and reinforcing steel projects and analysis of subcontractor bids. Managing each project included detailed coordination with the steel erector and other trades, job site trouble shooting, and determination of causes and solutions for field problems.

August 1973 to January 1975

Structural Engineer with J. E. Sirrine Co. of Greenville , South Carolina . Responsibilities included structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures.

April 1971 to August 1973

Project Manager and Estimator for Yeargin Construction Co. of Greenville, South Carolina. Responsibilities included managing the construction of two office buildings including coordinating subcontractor’s schedule and performance standards, dispute resolution, field inspection, trouble shooting, and problem resolution. Estimating responsibilities included material take-offs, subcontract price solicitation and coordination and scheduling.

April 1970 to April 1971

Office Engineer for Yeargin Construction Co. at an industrial job site in North Carolina. Responsibilities included estimating and obtaining approval for over three hundred change orders, coordinating drawing revisions with the Architect/Engineer and all trades on-site, and assisting the Project Manager in material procurement and scheduling.

September 1969 to April 1970

Estimator for Yeargin Construction Co. of Greenville, South Carolina. Responsibilities included material take-offs, subcontractor’s price solicitation, and bid compilation for industrial and commercial turnkey projects.

June 1969 to September 1969

Field engineer for Yeargin Construction Co. at an industrial project in South Carolina. Responsibilities included setting and checking elevations and locations of forms for concrete pours, verification of dimensions of structures to assure adherence to plans and specifications.

June through August 1967, 1968

Rodman for J. R. McCrone Surveying in Annapolis, Maryland. The duties in this summer job included being part of a surveying crew performing property boundary surveys for private residences and commercial establishments.

June through August 1964, 1965

Laborer for Powell Marine Construction Co. in Edgewater, Maryland. Responsibilities in this summer job included assisting with the operation of a floating pile driver in the construction of bulkheads and piers.

Professional Organizations

American Concrete Institute

American Society of Civil Engineers

Southern Building code Congress, International



Registered Professional Engineer in South Carolina (#5696)

Registered Professional Engineer in North Carolina (#023149)

Registered Professional Engineer in Georgia (#24277)

Registered Professional Engineer in Virginia (#032129)

Registered Professional Engineer in Alabama (#26877-E)

Registered Professional Engineer in Florida (62899)

Continuing Education

June – August 1980 Design of Concrete Structures, Greenville Technical College

1986 CRSI reinforcing bar seminar

1988 AISC Bolt Seminar

1988 LRFD introduction seminar

August 1989 Earthquake Loads in Buildings

December 1989 Allowable Stress Design in Steel

1990 Seminar on Causes of cracking of structural steel shapes receiving hot-dipped galvanizing

1991 Study project on the effects of reinforcing in concrete slabs on grade with the Construction Specifications Institute.

March 1991 Practical Steel Design Using LRFD

April 1996 Effects of Vibration on a Joist Floor System

September 1997 Brick Veneer Seminar

June 1998 Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Structures

July 1998 Lightning 101

July 1999 NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings

March 2000 Foundation Design Overview, Seismic Retrofit and Mapping

September 2000 Masonry Design Software Seminar

September 2000 ASCE Technical Seminars

March 2001 Law for Design Professionals, status of E.I.F.S. Claims

March 2001 Surveying in the Flood Plain

April 2001 E.I.F.S. Inspector Certification Course

September 2001 Soil Basics for Engineers, Dr. David J. Elton, P.E., Alburn University College of Engineering

October 2001 National Mold Symposium, Charlotte, North Carolina

March 2002 High Strength Bolts – Design and Installation

March 2002 Force Protection

March 2002 Design Solutions for Engineered Wood

June 2002 Solving Water Intrusion and Mold Problems in South Carolina

October 2002 ASCE Geotechnical Seminar

March 2003 ASCE Seminars: Steel Framing and Erection; Soil Properties and Excavation Stability

March 2003 Advances In Environmental Mold Issues

November 2003 Structural Provisions of the International Building Code

March 2004 ASCE Seminar: Earthquake Design, Concrete Design, Deep Foundation Design

May 2004 ASCE Seminar: Steel and Concrete Design

June 2004 CASE Seminar: Structural Construction Documents

September 2004 ASCE Seminar: Structural Analysis and Design

April 2005 ASCE Seminar: ACI-318, Concrete Anchorage, Precast/Prestressed Lintels,

Continuous load paths in wood to wood and wood to concrete connections, Tunnel

project methods and scheduling

June 2005 Roofing and Waterproofing Course

September 2005 ASCE Seminar: Design Standards, Stability Design, Insulated Structural Panels, Seismic Remediation of Dams, City Development

April 2006 ASCE Seminar: Seismic Design with Wood, Anchorage to Masonry and Concrete, Design Build Construction, Ports Authority

May 2006 ACI Course: Reinforcement in Concrete

ACI Course: Concrete Floor and Slab Construction

October 2006 ASCE Seminar: Groundwater Treatment; Ground Vibration Monitoring and Damage Documentation; Soil Response to Earthquake Ground Motion; Renovation Project Management; Future Civil Engineering Requirements

March 2007 ASCE Seminar: Ground Improvement Techniques; Building Code Changes; Bridge Design Practice; Bridge Needs in South Carolina

June 2007 ACI Course, Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection

ACI Course, Crack Repair by Gravity Feed with Resin

ACI Course, Spall Repair by Low-Pressure Spraying

September 2007 ASCE Siminar: Civil Engineering in Today’s World

Stormwater Permitting and Management

Soil Reinforcement Solutions

Vibration Control Program

Design of Two-Way Slabs

March 2008 ASCE Seminar Pile Splicing

Seismic Design Guidelines

Sheet Pile Installation

Steel Underpinning Systems

May 2008 Designing with Wood, Auburn University

November 2008 Designing with Wood, ASD, Auburn University

December 2008 Designing with Wood, LRFD, Auburn University

April 2009 Concrete Design, Part I, Auburn University

May 2009 Concrete Column Design, Auburn University

October 2009 ASCE Seminar      Sheet Piling
Self-Consolidating Concrete
Coordination between structural and geotechnical

December 2009   ASCE Seminar      Seismic Design

January 2010 ASCE Seminar      Nuclear Power Plants

March 2010 ASCE Seminar      Coastal Erosion

April 2010 ASCE Seminar      Dam Stabilization

May 2010 ASCE Seminar      Wind Load Design

(Rev. 9/13/2010)

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